You can also pay by credit card and cash. If you book your car in advance or want to extend it later, you can of course pay by bank transfer.
Expected in Budapest within an hour. Our colleagues will always inform you about the delivery time to other parts of the country before renting a car.
You can rent a car from us 24 hours a day. Our colleagues are available 24 hours a day and deliver the vehicle of your choice, so if you need a rental car either early in the morning or at night, we are also at your disposal.
To rent a car, you will need an identity card or passport, a license and a credit card. Our colleague who arrives at the venue will take the contract with them, which will be filled out together at the time of handover.
Of course we can help you with the motorway sticker, you can buy this at our colleague according to the official price.
Domestically, our rents include unlimited km.